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  • Neiman Marcus plans Pinterest purchases

    Dallas - Neiman Marcus Group customers will be able to purchase items through the new “Buyable Pins” e-commerce service across Pinterest, including the company’s Pinterest page, later in June. Millions of pins on Pinterest will now become buyable, meaning customers will be able to purchase Neiman Marcus items they have pinned or discovered on any iOS-enabled device with a few taps.

  • Neiman Marcus to be shoppable on Pinterest

    Neiman Marcus customers will soon be able to purchase their favorite finds via Buyable Pins on Pinterest.

    The retailer announced that millions of pins on Pinterest later this month will become buyable, offering a simple and secure way for customers to buy their favorite finds. In just a few taps, on any iOS enabled device, a customer can buy the products he or she has Pinned or discovered. This service will be solely offered in the U.S. at this time.

  • Jo-Ann buys in on 'Buyable Pins'

    Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores is signing up for a new e-commerce product from Pinterest that allows users to shop in a whole new way.

  • Jo-Ann Fabric among first retailers to partner with Pinterest’s new Buyable Pins

    Hudson, Ohio -- Fabric and craft specialty retailer Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores is one of the partners for Pinterest’s new Buyable Pins, which is the social networking site’s first crack at e-commerce. Buyable Pins allow consumers to complete the process of discovering a product, saving it to a board and buying it directly on Pinterest.

  • Kay Jewelers gets social for Mother's Day

    Kay Jewelers is leveraging the visual power of Pinterest and Instagram by running an innovative social media promotion for Mother’s Day.

    The retailer said that visitors to its Instagram and Pinterest accounts will have an opportunity to interact with the brand through eye-catching visuals that showcase the company's jewelry in unique and creative ways, as well as win huge prizes.

  • The post-omnichannel world

    In the 1990s, when the Internet and eCommerce created a tangible link between modes of shopping that had previously been isolated (stores and catalogs), retailers struggled with how to understand, measure, and connect with shoppers in multiple ways.

    It was out of this confusion that the concept of “multichannel” was heralded as retail’s saving grace, and soon, retailers were all abuzz with cross-channel shoppers.

    Fast-forward a few years and retailers began scratching their heads wondering why their “multichannel” initiatives hadn’t delivered the stunning ROI they were pro

  • The Post Omnichannel World: Four Steps to Creating a Truly Connected Experience

    By Jim Crawford

    In the 1990s, when the Internet and e-commerce created a tangible link between modes of shopping that had previously been isolated (stores and catalogs), retailers struggled with how to understand, measure, and connect with shoppers in multiple ways.

    It was out of this confusion that the concept of “multichannel” was heralded as retail’s saving grace, and soon, retailers were all abuzz with cross-channel shoppers.

  • Kohl's invests in kids and a 5K

    Kohl’s rolled out two omnichannel campaigns in January underscoring the company’s stated focus on giving back to the community.

    The company says it will award $400,000 in scholarships and prizes to more than 2,500 students who have made a positive impact on their communities. Nominations for kids ages 6 to 18 will be accepted until March 13 at and in stores.

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