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  • Adobe: Holiday online sales could hit record-breaking $91 billion

    An extended holiday season could translate into an 11% increase in online sales with mobile devices leading the charge.   Adobe’s “2016 Digital Insights Shopping Predictions” report predicts that 53 consecutive days (57 calendar days in total) will exceed $1 billion in online sales, compared to 31 consecutive days last year — a 71% year-over-year (YoY) increase.   
  • Adobe says digital trends look good for Mother’s Day

    Online consumers appear to be remembering Mom this year.

    According to new data from the Adobe Digital Index, online sales in the important Mother’s Day gift categories of flowers/gifts and jewelry are both trending 2%-3% higher than they were in 2015.

  • First look: Adobe says digital trends look good for Mother’s Day

    Online consumers appear to be remembering Mom this year.

    According to new data from the Adobe Digital Index, online sales in the important Mother’s Day gift categories of flowers/gifts and jewelry are both trending 2%-3% higher than they were in 2015.

  • Learning to love mobile in age of enterprise apps

    A disconnect between brick-and-mortar retailers and their mobile strategies could be hurting sales.

  • Study: Who are the five most important retail e-commerce vendors?

    In the next few years, retailers around the world are set to substantially increase their investments in e-commerce software, with five vendors spearheading the growth.

    According to a new study from Research and Markets, the global retail e-commerce software market will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.95% during the period 2014-2019. Research and Markets has identified Magento, Oracle ATG Commerce, PrestaShop, Shopify and WooThemes as the five key retail e-commerce vendors.

  • Online out-of-stocks remain high as holidays approach

    Customers searching for last-minute holiday gifts on the Internet may come up empty-handed.

    According to data from the Adobe Digital Index, on Monday, Dec. 21, the overall out-of-stock rate for e-commerce sites was 14%. This ties the online out-of-stock rate for Cyber Monday (Nov. 30) and means that more in one in 10 items displayed on retailers’ e-commerce sites was unavailable for customers who attempted to make a purchase.

  • Brick & Mortar: Driving in-store sales in a digital age

    According to analytics reports from Adobe and RetailNext, online sales trumped bricks-and-mortar over Black Friday weekend and the trend looks to continue throughout the 2015 holiday season.

    This signifies a shift that’s been obvious for quite some time — consumers are going digital. Does this mean the brick-and-mortar retailer is dying a slow death? Not a chance.

  • Brick-and-mortar isn't dead yet: Converting in-store shoppers to sales

    According to analytics reports from Adobe and RetailNext, online sales trumped bricks-and-mortar over Black Friday weekend and the trend looks to continue throughout the 2015 holiday season.

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