Online out-of-stocks remain high as holidays approach
Customers searching for last-minute holiday gifts on the Internet may come up empty-handed.
According to data from the Adobe Digital Index, on Monday, Dec. 21, the overall out-of-stock rate for e-commerce sites was 14%. This ties the online out-of-stock rate for Cyber Monday (Nov. 30) and means that more in one in 10 items displayed on retailers’ e-commerce sites was unavailable for customers who attempted to make a purchase.
Brick & Mortar: Driving in-store sales in a digital age
According to analytics reports from Adobe and RetailNext, online sales trumped bricks-and-mortar over Black Friday weekend and the trend looks to continue throughout the 2015 holiday season.
This signifies a shift that’s been obvious for quite some time — consumers are going digital. Does this mean the brick-and-mortar retailer is dying a slow death? Not a chance.