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  • Analysis: Amazon’s growth, success will continue to come at expense of bottom line

    Although Amazon's sales advanced by a respectable 23% over the quarter (do link to our story yesterday), the pace of growth at the online behemoth remains much slower than it was over most of the prior fiscal year. Some of this is the result of a less favorable exchange rate diluting contributions from the international business. However, some is also down to a more challenging demand environment in North America which has limited spending uplifts on products within Amazon's core territory.  
  • Go Beyond Omnichannel to Create a True, Single View of Your Company

    Omnichannel promised to integrate physical and digital channels, allowing retailers to deliver a seamless shopping experience. But in reality, because of stand-alone, legacy systems, many of these channels operate in silos, making it difficult to achieve full transparency and causing missed opportunities.   
  • Washington Spotlight: Retail Operators on the Ropes

    As Congress reconvenes after the Easter recess, retail operators have a tremendous amount at stake. The industry is in an unprecedented state of strife with major legacy brands announcing large scale closures.   
  • How to Stay Ahead in the Current Economic Environment

    Much like 2016, the first quarter of 2017 has seen a slow start to consumer spending. However, just like last year, this is expected to be a temporary setback. Strong consumer confidence and income growth have set the stage for a spending bounce back in the second quarter.   
  • Tech Insights: Omnichannel Bots Are in Your Future

    As recently as the 1990s, the only real form of text-based communication with customers was via email. Today, consumers have a range of social platforms they use to effortlessly communicate — and they expect their shopping experiences to be effortless and, more importantly, seamless across channels as well.    
  • Analysis: Brick-and-mortar retail alive and well at Ulta Beauty

    Mass retail is at a crossroads. Many of the iconic brands that are mainstays for our biggest and best malls are announcing layoffs and closures. The traditional brick-and-mortar store continues to see reduced foot traffic and most can’t seem to find a remedy. Amid this retail doom and gloom, however, there is one retailer that is rising above the rest: Ulta Beauty.  
  • An architect’s take on building experiences

    Store closings are commonplace. Online shopping options grow. From time immemorial, stores were built with brick-and-mortar. Better materials for today would be innovation and experiences.    We in the field of store design are seeing some promising signs that an evolution is underway.   
  • Amazon: Breaking Down Four Myths

    There’s no denying that Amazon has changed the face of retail, but there are many misconceptions about how the company actually operates. Many wrongly believe that Amazon makes most of its profits from e-commerce, while others incorrectly view Amazon as the long-tail poster child. Unfortunately, these fallacies are leading many retail companies into making bad strategic business decisions as they try to duplicate Amazon’s success.   The following is a breakdown of some Amazon myths along with a few takeaways: 
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