New social media platform opens Amazon aStore
ATLANTA, Ga. — Vir2o, a new social media platform by East Coast Diversified Corporation, has announced that its online, interactive e-commerce engine is open for business and powered by Amazon.
Members of the aStore will be able to browse through a wide range of products and shop online with friends in their network in real time, thanks to ECDC's nVite technology. ECDC's proprietary nVite technology also lets Vir2o members watch movies together and share photos in real time.
P&G plans to build on Q4 results
CINCINNATI — Procter & Gamble plans to remain focused on keeping existing and potential customers and shareholders happy, following its net sales for fiscal 2013 which increased 1% to $84.2 billion, including a negative two-point impact from foreign exchange.
Diluted net earnings per share from continuing operations were $3.86, up 24% compared with the prior year.