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ECRM: Retail circular advertising trends, June 2014


ECRM compared retail circular advertising in June 2013 versus June 2014 and noted trends occurring across top retail chains. Both Walmart and Toys “R” Us experienced some extreme shifts versus last year. Toys “R” Us did not run any circulars during the month of June, down from two last year. Instead, it ran only web and email promotions. The inverse occurred in January, when it ran no print ads in 2013 and only a single short circular in 2014. These short circulars appeared to be the standard outside of toy-related holidays, yet June was the first month without any circular presence whatsoever for Toys “R” Us.

Walmart, on the other hand, saw its circular counts more than double, from five in 2013 to 11 in 2014. Its page counts slightly decreased, however, leading to a large reduction in the density of the circular, with much more targeted, category-specific circulars being used. Five of these highly-targeted circulars with six or fewer pages were released in June 2014, while only one was seen in 2013. Three of Walmart’s circulars in 2013 consisted of 24 pages or more, while 2014 saw just one of this length.

About ECRM’s Business Intelligence:

ECRM’s Ad Comparisons technology captures promotional data from the top U.S. and Canadian retailers in all major markets. Ad Comparisons captures more than 40 metrics for each ad block and provides hundreds of analytic reports to put the advertising data in context. Ad Comparisons takes an individual approach to ensure all data and reports fit the needs of each user.

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