KPMG: Retailers ready to spend on expansion, IT
New York -- Despite continuing economic uncertainty, new data from KPMG indicates retailers are ready to invest capital to spur growth this year. The 2013 KPMG Retail Outlook Survey shows that 85% of retail executives expect capital spending will increase or remain the same during the next year. When asked where they will increase spending most, executives most frequently cited geographic expansion (61%), IT (40% and advertising and marketing/branding (24%).
Solar-powered Eco Gym to Chicago’s North Shore
Glenview, Ill. -- Eco Gym will open an 8,300-sq.-ft. solar- and human-powered health club at Glenbrook Market Place in Glenview, Ill., a North Shore suburb of Chicago, according to Mid-America Asset Management Inc., the landlord’s representative.
The fitness center, Eco Gym’s second, will use a combination of human kinetic power and solar power to generate electricity for its equipment. As members use the equipment, they generate more power to the central power grid, which lowers monthly dues.