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Data & Analytics

  • Dollar General reveals ’15 growth strategy as Q4 comps to grow 5%

    Even if Dollar General is unsuccessful in acquiring Family Dollar, the company plans to get bigger faster in 2015 by opening two stores every day and enhancing the productivity of an already expansive footprint.

  • Cyber Monday leading online sales day Thanksgiving weekend

    San Jose, Calif. - Cyber Monday (Dec. 1) saw nearly 30% more online shopping activity than any other shopping day during the 2014 Thanksgiving-to-Cyber Monday holiday timeframe. Data from SLI Systems outlining e-commerce activity across online retailers in the U.S. during the five-day period reveals that Cyber Monday at 10:00 PM EST was the peak online shopping hour.  Nearly 40% of the online shopping was conducted on mobile devices. Other key findings from the study include:  
  • Kroger extends comp streak with 5.6% gain

    Momentum continues to build at Kroger where the company elevated expectations for its fourth quarter performance after a better than expected showing in the third quarter.

  • Target turns stores into mobile game for the holidays—with help from Google

    Minneapolis - Target Corp. continues to invest in new mobile and digital investments to drive traffic.  The retailer announced it is partnering with Google on an interactive mobile game experience that has a big in-store component.  The project is part of Google’s Art, Copy & Code program, which Google describes as partnerships that explore how creativity and technology can work hand in hand to build brands.

  • Ikea taps Inovateus Solar to expand solar array on Detroit-area store

    CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa. - Ikea plans to increase the solar array atop its store that opened eight years ago in Canton, Michigan. In September, IKEA began work on a 44,000-sq.-ft. expansion to the store, atop which new panels will be installed beginning spring 2015, with a completion by summer.

  • Tech Guest Viewpoint - Social Media Use Grows for Merchandise Planning

    By Ken Morris, Boston Retail Partners

    What a difference a year makes! We have seen a dramatic increase in the use of social media by merchandisers over the past year, as retailers look for innovative ways to enhance their merchandising decisions to deliver the products consumers want across a seamless shopping experience.

  • Report: Target faces bank suit over breach

    Minneapolis – Target Corp. has reportedly failed in its attempt to dismiss a lawsuit filed by banks in federal court in Minneapolis. According to Reuters, the banks are seeking compensation in the millions of dollars for reimbursing consumers for fraudulent charges and issuing new payment cards in connection with the November 2013 security breach at Target.

  • RetailNext: Brick-and-mortar sales, traffic fall Thanksgiving weekend

    San Jose, Calif. –  Brick-and-mortar sales and traffic patterns during the five-day Thanksgiving weekend may have benefited customers who hate crowds, but were not good news for retailers. According to data from in-store analytics provider RetailNext, sales during the period fell 10.7% compared to the same five days in 2013, while traffic dropped 12.4%.

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