Amazon offers free returns — no packaging required
Amazon physical stores and Whole Foods Markets
More than 550 Whole Foods Market locations and Amazon stores including Amazon Fresh and Amazon Go have free return drop-offs for eligible items, with more locations being added regularly.
Whole Foods Market locations feature an Amazon returns counter, and many stores also include Amazon returns kiosks designed to enable customers to complete their returns in 60 seconds or less.
Kohl’s and Staples locations
Kohl’s and Staples partner with Amazon to provide returns. If a customer lives near a participating store, it will show as one of their drop-off options.
[READ MORE: Staples accepting Amazon returns]
The UPS Store
Amazon returns at The UPS Store are free, unless there is another free option closer to a shopper’s delivery address. In a small number of cases, customers may see a $1 fee.
For customers who prefer to choose a packaged drop-off option, that choice will remain in addition to other options, some of which may require a fee when a label-free, box-free option is available. All return options will be shown to customers in the online Amazon Returns Center.