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  • How Indoor Positioning Services Using LEDs Benefit Shoppers and Retailers

    A harried mother in the baking aisle can’t find lemongrass spice. A teenager in the junior department can’t decide which T-shirt to buy. A family in sporting goods is disappointed that the tent for their camping trip appears to be out of stock.

  • Three solutions to Brighter Return-to-Work Programs

    No one wants to get hurt. It is much more preferable to go about our days without the pain, frustration, or aggravation of an injury. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that often immediately following a workplace injury, the first question asked is, “When can I go back to work?” Employers share these sentiments. After all, healthy employees are good for business; however, the path from injury to resuming work duties is not always a smooth one. It can be difficult to balance the concerns of the employer and the injured worker alike.

  • Five Ways Mobile Can Differentiate the Store Experience

    It’s no secret that the rise of mobile devices is empowering consumers and altering the way they shop. But mobile isn’t just changing the game for consumers. It’s also empowering chain stores to take advantage of those behavior changes to strengthen customer relationships and distinguish the in-store experience.  

    Here are five simple ways that chain stores can take advantage of mobile devices like tablets to enhance and differentiate the in-store experience and drive sales:

  • Tech Guest Viewpoint: Join the ‘Voice Revival’ at Retail

    For decades, buying and installing phone systems in retail stores has remained a mundane experience. Times have changed.

  • Tech Guest Viewpoint: Is Your Cloud App ‘Saas-querading’?

    While Mardi Gras celebrations ended earlier this spring, there are many software vendors that still have the Mardi Gras masks on as they pretend their cloud apps are SaaS – they are “SaaSquerading”(phrase coined by blogger Brian Sommer). There is a distinct difference between cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) and it’s important for professionals to know why the difference matters.

  • Industry Comment: Ahold-Delhaize merger

    New York -- Dutch supermarket giant Ahold has agreed to buy Belgian rival Delhaize, creating the sixth largest food retailer in the United States. Keith Anderson, VP of strategy & insights for Profitero, and formerly a retail analyst with RetailNet Group, offers his thoughts on what led to the merger, and what it may bring.  

  • Three Tech Solutions to Help Quickly Resolve Confederate Flag —and Other Product — Controversies

    While the Confederate flag has been an increasing source of controversy in recent years, retailers have long sold items featuring its image with no major outcry. But following the tragic shooting in Charleston, consumer sentiment against the “Stars and Bars” intensified to a degree that made selling Confederate flag-themed merchandise unacceptable to a large portion of the public within a few days.

  • Exclusive Q&A on Sear's 'connected' plans

    Sears has opened a new connected home flagship store near Silicon Valley and Ryan Ciovacco, president of consumer electronics and connected solutions, spoke with Retailing Today about the major initiative.

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