Survey: 72 Million Americans to Shop on Cyber Monday
Washington, D.C., About 72.0 million consumers plan to shop online from home or at work on Monday, up from 60.7 million in 2006 and 59.0 million in 2005, according to a survey, conducted this weekend by BIGresearch.
The survey found that 31.9% of adults would shop on Cyber Monday, up 17.3% over last year (27.2%). Cyber Monday, a term coined in 2005, began after online retailers noticed a trend of people shopping online on the Monday after Thanksgiving.
According to a eHoliday Survey, 72.2% of online retailers are planning a special promotion for Cyber Monday, up from 42.7% just two years ago. Promotions will range from specific deals (29.9%) to one-day sales (28.9%) to free shipping on all purchases (24.7%).