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Safeway contest deems Portland, Ore. 'America's most natural city'


PLEASANTON, Calif. — Safeway announced that Portland, Ore. has been named "America's Most Natural City." The city earned the title by garnering the most votes on Facebook. As a result, Portland will receive a donation of $20,000 and 25 picnic tables constructed from the Guinness World Record holder for the World's Longest Picnic Table.

"As with our Open Nature all-natural product line, we looked to our customers to define which cities they considered the most natural," said Mike Minasi, president of marketing at Safeway. "We wanted to make a positive impact and give back to the parks and recreation organizations. Many of them provide everything from playgrounds to picnic spots and it was clear that voters shared our passion for preservation of all things natural. We hope that our contest inspires others to give back to their communities in this time of reduced budgets."

Portland secured the win by receiving 1,189 votes. Coming in second and third were Denver and Seattle, respectively, both of which had tremendous community support for the contest, Safeway said.

"We applaud Safeway for their charitable giving. Portland Parks and Recreation welcomes the generous donation, which will go toward the city's E-205 Initiative to enhance nature trails and build park amenities such as children's playgrounds in the East Portland area," says Nick Fish, Portland parks commissioner. "These improvements will make a huge impact in historically underserved East Portland."

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