Amazon.com Kindles a holiday hit
SEATTLE — E-readers continue to be a popular gift choice this holiday season, with Amazon.com reporting that for the third week in a row, customers are purchasing more than one million Kindle devices per week. Among its Kindle offerings, the latest, Kindle Fire, remains the most sought-after product on Amazon.com. since it was introduced 11 weeks ago.
Survey: E-commerce retailers missing sales opportunities
Montreal -- A survey released Friday by e-commerce visitor feedback analytics firm iPerceptions found that, despite online retail sales being up, online retailers are missing out on revenue opportunities.
Third quarter 2011 Retail Ecommerce industry report showed that, while U.S. retail sales estimates show online retail spending rose 13% year-over-year to $36.3 billion for the quarter, task completion fell significantly for visitors at nearly every stage of the retail purchase cycle.