It’s nothing but ‘Star Wars’ at Toys ‘R’ Us
Wayne, N.J. – If Darth Vader scared you, then you’ll probably want to check out the new online “Star War”s hub that Toys “R” Us Inc. is launching as part of a year-long omnichannel promotion tied to the classic movie franchise, which returns with a new film in December. The hub will showcase video content, event information and more in the coming months.
Children’s Place activist investors urge new board members
New York - Shareholders for Change at The Children's Place, an activist investor group led by Macellum Advisors GP LLC and Barington Capital Group L.P., has filed a detailed investor presentation with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The presentation supports the election of two board of directors nominees, Seth R. Johnson and Robert L. Mettler, at the upcoming 2015 annual meeting.