Study: Most grocery shoppers prefer store brands
New York – A study released Tuesday by Accenture found that, in the grocery arena, store brands continue to steal sales from brand-name products.
According to Accenture’s poll of 500 U.S. consumers, 64% said their grocery carts were at least half full of store-brand products, and 39% said they have increased their purchase of store-brands in recent years as a result of the tough economic times.
Report: Q2 vacancy declines across all commercial sectors, including retail
Boston -- A report released Tuesday by CB Richard Ellis found that, despite concerns about the pace of economic recovery and lukewarm employment growth, the U.S. commercial real estate market showed improvement across all property sectors in the second quarter of 2012.
Retail properties, which have generally lagged other property sectors during the recovery, saw a slight improvement in availability, which fell to 13% during the second quarter.