Tuesday Morning sales rise in Q2
Dallas -- Tuesday Morning Corp. reported Tuesday that sales for the quarter ended Dec. 31 rose 4.5% to $285.3 million, compared with $273.1 million in the year-ago quarter.
Same-store sales increased 5.6%.
Tuesday Morning also reported that beginning with this second quarter sales report it will no longer provide net income estimates with sales figures, but will instead consolidate that information in its earnings reports. -
American Apparel’s e-commerce sales on the rise since implementing Oracle platform
Redwood Shores, Calif. -- American Apparel, which launched a new Oracle e-commerce platform in the fall, has continued to deliver an increase in e-commerce sales, with a more than 38% increase over the same period last year. December 2012 sales increased more than 59% over December 2011, with December coming in as the highest sales month in the history of the company’s online business.