Study: Convenience trumps price for both in-store and online shoppers
Boston -- The number one reason people choose to shop either in-person or online is convenience and not price, according to the results of a new survey released by Continuum, a global design and innovation consultancy. Continuum's 2012 Service Design Report looked at data from more than 1,000 consumers across the country and uncovered the top reasons they choose whether to shop in-stores or online.
The top reasons respondents say they shop in stores are:
• For convenience (40%);
• They don't trust the quality online (22%);
Lululemon pops up across from its flagship in NYC
NEW YORK — A major renovation may be underway at Lululemon’s flagship store in Manhattan, but the fast growing retailer isn’t missing a beat.
The Vancouver, B.C.-based operator of 201 stores has set up a temporary store at 1142 Third Ave., across from its flagship location to satisfy the New Yorkers’ needs while the four-month renovation is underway.