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Klarna streamlines customer service with generative AI assistant

Klarna AI assistant
Klarna offers a generative AI tool for shoppers.

Klarna has some impressive initial results from its artificial intelligence (AI) customer assistant based on the OpenAI platform.

Available in the Klarna app for the past month available in 23 markets, 24/7 and communicating in more than 35 languages, the generative AI-based tool is designed to manage a range of tasks including multilingual customer service and managing refunds and returns. Customers can still choose to interact with live agents if they would prefer. 

Other key features include automated management of payment-related issues, cancellations, disputes, and invoice inaccuracies. Klarna's AI assistant offers real-time updates on customers’ outstanding balances and upcoming payment schedules. 

It also explains customer spending limits and the reasons behind them. Customers can still interact with a live human agent if they prefer.

The global payment provider and shopping assistant is releasing the following performance metrics for the AI assistant so far: 

  • 2.3 million conversations, two-thirds of Klarna’s customer service chats. 
  • Performing the equivalent work of 700 full-time agents. 
  • On par with human agents in regard to customer satisfaction score. 
  • More accurate in errand resolution, leading to a 25% drop in repeat inquiries. 
  • Customers now resolve their errands in less than two minutes compared to 11 minutes previously. 
  • Estimated to drive a $40 million profit improvement for Klarna in 2024 

Klarna says it has also seen "massive improvement" in communication with local immigrant and expat communities across all its global markets as a result of the language support capabilities. More features are expected to be released soon. 

"This AI breakthrough in customer interaction means superior experiences for our customers at better prices, more interesting challenges for our employees, and better returns for our investors." said Sebastian Siemiatkowski, co-founder and CEO of Klarna. "We are incredibly excited about this launch, but it also underscores the profound impact on society that AI will have. We want to reemphasize and encourage society and politicians to consider this carefully and believe a considerate, informed and steady stewardship will be critical to navigate through this transformation of our societies." 

"Klarna is at the very forefront among our partners in AI adoption and practical application," said Brad Lightcap, COO of OpenAI. "Together we are unlocking the vast potential for AI to boost productivity and improve our day-to-day lives." 

Klarna adds new features

In the past 12 months, Klarna has rolled out other new solutions and offerings, including:

Digital verification

The company recently launched "Sign in with Klarna," a service designed to speed up consumer login to e-commerce sites and apps, in 23 countries including the U.S. On registration, the customer chooses what data they wish to share with the retailer and if they want to sign up for any membership or bonus programs the retailer offers. 

Monthly subscription

Earlier in February 2024, Klarna introduced Klarna Plus, a subscription offering available to eligible U.S. consumers through the Klarna app for a monthly fee of $7.99. Klarna Plus provides access to a variety of features and offers.

AI-based shopping tools 

In October 2023, Klarna unveiled a set of 13 AI-based shopping solutions. These included the ability to scan the barcodes of more than 10 million products across stores for instant access to product information and pay by scanning a QR code, enhanced in-app purchase protection, express refunds, and an in-app gift card store.

New sustainability tools

In June 2023, Klarna released a set of new and updated solutions designed to enable consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions and take sustainable actions. 

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