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Move over Gen Z, here comes Gen Alpha

Social media and Amazon play big roles in the shopping lives of up-and-coming “Gen Alpha” consumers.

The study of more than 4,000 children aged six to 16 in the U.S. and U.K. from Wunderman Thompson Commerce identifies this age group as “Generation Alpha,” distinct from millennials or even Gen Z. One major finding is that more than half of respondents (55%) say they want to buy a product if their favorite YouTube or Instagram star is using or wearing it. However, friends (28%) are still more likely to impact their shopping decisions than social media influencers (25%).

But Gen Alpha is still highly susceptible to suggestions made via social media. Almost six in 10 (57%) respondents said seeing ads for products on Instagram makes them want to buy them. Fourteen percent would like influencers to operate their own retail outlets in the future.

Gen Alpha is also highly aware of Amazon. Ninety percent of 13-to-16-year olds have heard of Amazon, closely followed by 88% of 10-to-12-year olds and 74% of 6-to-9-year olds. Seventy percent of respondents know what Amazon Prime is, 63% know what it does, and 46% have access to an Amazon Prime account. One-quarter said that they buy most of their purchases from Amazon (26%), second only to the supermarket.

One way retailers may want to consider standing out from Amazon and social media influencers is by engaging in charitable and/or sustainable activities. Two-thirds (66%) of Generation Alpha consumers would like to buy from companies that are trying to do good in the world.
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