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  • Expansion Strategies for Today’s Risk-Averse Retailers

    While the United States continues to experience slow, yet steady economic growth, the future of the domestic retail industry remains unclear as businesses are forced to adapt to a world where consumers are more cost-conscious than ever before. Amidst this challenging climate, retailers must be smarter at understanding their customers, products and the experiences they offer.

    Revisiting Brand and Revenue Expansion Strategies

  • What Retailers Can Learn from Uber’s Playbook

    If you were an Uber user in Austin, Texas, this fall, you might have been surprised to see the option to take a horse and buggy instead of a car appear on your smartphone.

    The tongue-in-cheek offer was part of Uber’s effort to inform and mobilize customers in its fight against what the company contended were antiquated regulations being considered by local government.

  • Analysis: Why J.C. Penney will win with appliances

    Photo: J.C. Penney launched appliances at 22 stores in three test markets this week, including the inviting presentation shown above at a store in Tampa.

    Large appliances are back at select J.C. Penney stores after a 30 year hiatus and when – not if – the merchandising initiative is rolled out more broadly the contribution to same store sales growth could be huge.

  • Embracing Social Media to Enhance Customer Experience

    Many companies have developed robust social media platforms for marketing and advertising, but aren’t quite sure how to manage customers who visit a company’s site to lodge a customer service inquiry, simply vent or even express satisfaction with a product or service.

    They simply run away from customers. Yet, these same companies would never ignore a customer phone call or email, probably because it seems more controllable than the social media environment.

  • Tech Bytes: Three Factors that Doomed Google Glass with Consumers

    Google is finally shutting down efforts to promote Google Glass as a consumer device.

    Back in April 2015, Google said it would partner with Luxottica Group to create a more user-friendly version of the connected eyewear. This announcement followed Google’s decision to essentially putting Google Glass on hiatus in January 2015. However, consumers never took to Google Glass, and after releasing an initial flurry of apps, retailers never really did, either.

  • Tech Guest Viewpoint: Cash Recyclers are a Game-Changer

    When one looks at the hot topics in retail today, no shortage of economists, journalists, industry thought-leaders and technology pundits are talking about the future of payments. One topic that many aren’t really discussing is managing large volumes of cash receivables.

  • Tech Guest Viewpoint: The Modern Retailer’s Secret Weapon

    Retailers are continually on a quest to find innovative technologies to help deepen customer engagement with their brand.

    Yet, perhaps the most critical part of the buying journey happens when a consumer puts down her device and looks for a human being she can talk with about solving her problem – something that even the most engaging technology can’t provide by itself.

  • Now Trending: Crea(c)tivity in the Urban Core

    “Now Trending” is an exclusive online series to, featuring trending topics that impact the retail real estate landscape.

    As more of my work brings me into contact with mixed-use developments in urban core markets, it’s clear to me that there are some important changes taking place – changes that are fueling the ongoing mixed-use renaissance in many cities.

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