Tanger launches ‘first-of-its-kind’ virtual outlet shopping service
A new online tool is designed to give shoppers the best of outlet shopping without leaving home.
Tanger Factory Outlet Centers has launched a virtual shopping concierge service that allows shoppers to shop remotely for their favorite brands, styles and outlet value deals across multiple retailers via onsite shopping specialists and stylists. Tanger's new “Virtual Shopper” program is designed to function as a digital, service-minded extension of the company’s brick-and-mortar retail experiences.
The new online program provides a range of services, from finding a specific product to customer styling. It also gives shoppers the ability to access Tanger's entire portfolio, not just the center nearest them.
Here’s how it works: Shoppers fill out a virtual shopping form, detailing their preferences, explore their favorite brands and share the items they want with their personal shopper, who then shops in-store at Tanger Outlets on their behalf. After selecting their products, shoppers can either opt for curbside pick-up or have the items delivered to their home.
"Given the ever-changing landscape related to the COVID-19 pandemic, constant innovation is more critical than ever before when it comes to serving retailers and customers,” said Steven B. Tanger, CEO of Tanger Outlets, which operates and owns, or has an ownership interest in, a portfolio of 39 upscale outlet shopping centers. “The Virtual Shopper program is part of the solution and one of our new initiatives to support the e-commerce and omnichannel ecosystem."
In addition to the virtual shopper program, Tanger Outlets is open for in-person shopping in accordance with local, state and CDC regulations, having implemented a wide range of safety protocols in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.