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Study: Customers find these technology tools helpful

Consumers want a tech-enabled shopping experience.

A new study reveals high consumer interest in two specific advanced retail technology solutions.

Although only 12% of respondents retrieved a package from an intelligent locker during  the last year, 77% would consider using one, according to a recent Harris poll of more than 2,000 U.S. consumers sponsored by Ricoh,

In addition, nearly three in four respondents (73%) overall said they would find special online tools or applications that help envision what a product would look like in the actual home or worn on the body helpful when making online purchasing decisions.

This figure includes 82% of respondents aged 18-44 and 66% of respondents 45 and older. It also encompasses 84% of respondents who are parents with kids younger than 18 and 69% of those who are not parents of minors. Another 25% of all respondents said they would find these types of tools and applications very helpful.

Furthermore, one in four respondents would find special online tools or apps very helpful.

"The future of retail is connected commerce and convenience," said Rory Fitzpatrick, VP, vertical marketing, Ricoh USA Inc. "Retailers that streamline, optimize and automate processes for enhanced customer experiences will ultimately be more successful at building brand loyalty and driving business. It all comes back to using the most relevant, up-to-date information at their disposal to make informed business decisions that support customers' evolving requirements and expectations.

Consumers like tech-enabled shopping experiences

A survey of U.S. and U.K. consumers by Tata Consultancy Services also revealed that all respondent age groups are interested in using tech-enabled shopping experiences. These include contactless checkout (60%) and the use of QR codes to receive more information (54%) — with millennials the most interested in almost all digital shopping tools. Sixty-percent of millennials were more willing to spend with retailers offering virtual fitting and staging capabilities versus all other groups.

Notably, 35% of Silent Generation shoppers (born 1928-1945) are interested in using QR codes, and more Gen Z consumers (57%) were interested in livestreaming capabilities than other age groups.

[Read more: Consumers want sustainable options, high-tech shopping experiences]

Get more information on the Ricoh/Harris Poll study here. The Harris Poll survey was conducted online within the The Harris Poll on behalf of Ricoh between Nov. 1-3, 2022, among 2,041 U.S. adults ages 18 and older.

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