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Potential UPS Strike: Steps to take now


Given that the UPS strike deadline is still several weeks away, and so many potential strikes are resolved in the 11th hour, our customer base has not yet expressed significant levels of anxiety over the threat.  However, we are encouraging customers with exposure to UPS — or any of its competitors —to consider preparing for a two-to-three-week disruption in the parcel delivery market.

Small businesses which procure materials and supplies through parcel delivery should speak with suppliers about increasing their next order if it can be delivered prior to the end of July.  These businesses should also inquire about locally sourced goods that could be picked-up by the buyer themselves.  They may also consider partnering with other local businesses looking for the same materials and sending a truck to help them secure critical items in bulk while sharing the expense.

For businesses seeking to distribute their goods, consider shipping as much product in the next two weeks as possible.  For local and regional deliveries, consider hiring extra help and using company vehicles to hand deliver important items. 

Be honest with customers at the time of order about potential disruptions and suggest creative solutions to help meet their needs.  This is a well-publicized event and most customers will be understanding.  Some may even be willing to pay extra for extraordinary delivery methods.

A potential disruption may create cashflow issues for businesses which front-load the purchase of inventory but then face delays in delivering the finished product.  In addition, increased costs for self-delivery options may need to be passed on to the customer to be economically viable. 

The most successful businesses will present multiple options to the customer and help them secure the delivery time and cost that is best for them.

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