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NRF launches campaign to push retail jobs, innovation


Washington, D.C. -- The National Retail Federation has launched a year-long advocacy campaign to advance a “Jobs, Innovation and Consumer Value Agenda” on behalf of the U.S. retail industry.

At the top of the industry’s agenda, NRF said, are corporate tax reform, passage of pending Free Trade Agreements, leveling the playing field for sales tax collection by passing the Main Street Fairness Act, and modernizing aging transportation infrastructure that slows down the retail supply chain and drives up costs. Other priorities include the repeal or delay of a health care employer mandate that would force job cuts, and protecting consumer privacy while promoting innovations like mobile marketing.

A centerpiece of the campaign – which will include lobbying, grassroots, advertising, social media, earned media and more – is an interactive website,, which is designed to engage the retail community with the agenda.

“The retail industry supports a quarter of our nation’s jobs and will continue to be at the forefront of our economic recovery,” said NRF president and CEO Matthew Shay. “This campaign aims to ensure that we do everything possible as a nation to support the vitality of the retail sector, in order to create jobs and continue to foster U.S. innovation and competitiveness.”

The campaign, which NRF said is unprecedented in its 100-year history, will be marked by significant investments in grassroots, social media and communications, including:

  • Grassroots activation of retail businesses, employees and consumers in hundreds of communities and congressional districts across the country, including an open letter to the retail industry to urge participation;

  • Outreach to Congress to highlight the value of retail to the U.S. economy and jobs;

  • Advertising in multiple media including print, radio and online; a viral campaign to showcase the “Faces of Retail” by engaging consumers and employees in a video contest to be launched in 2012;

  • The release of new research that measures retail’s unique role as the nation’s most significant driver of jobs, innovation and consumer value;

  • Social media campaign including a viral video, with heavy emphasis on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn; and

  • International push to highlight the importance of retail to the global economy.

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