You can help Best Buy define new marketing job
Best Buy is taking an unconventional approach to help define a new marketing role at the company. The CE retailer has asked users of the social networking site Idea X to vote on one another's suggestions for the qualifications and responsibilities of a senior marketing manager for emerging media and brand advocacy.
The exchange began with a post from Best Buy's Chief Marketing Officer, John Merritt. In Merritt's "idea," he said the company is "looking for a talented, innovative and downright creative marketer with a knack for technology and emerging media tools." He further suggested that he senior marketing manager for emerging media and brand advocacy should have between five and seven years of marketing experience, experience in digital marketing and the ability to lead a campaign from start to finish.
Merrit listed a number of responsibilities of the new senior marketing position, including leading the positioning of the Best Buy brand in digital and social media, overseeing the strategic plan, budget and initiatives for digital and emerging media marketing and keeping pace with new technologies and trends.
Users have begun to weigh in on Best Buy's Idea X page. One user suggested that the retailer find someone "who has a passion [for] emerging media." The user also suggested that the senior marketing manager for emerging media and brand advocacy have at least eight years of digital media or marketing experience (more than what was suggested in the original post from Merritt) and be responsible for demonstrating accountability and ROI for emerging strategies. Another user suggested that the new marketing manager should be "the consummate example to fellow employees for enhancing and advancing the Best Buy brand and its components."
How much influence the users on Idea X will have on the final choice for this new position remains to be seen. It is clear, though, that Best Buy is making a conscious effort to engage its consumers in an active exchange of ideas.