Twitter launches new CPG and retail solution
Savvy consumer packaged goods and retail marketers already know the value of leveraging social media to drive sales and now Twitter has equipped them with a new tool to more effectively engage shoppers.
The social media platform recently introduced a new creative ad unit called the “Website Card” which enables advertisers to perform the neat trick of surfacing Web site content within a Tweet. Doings so allows advertisers to then drive traffic to any page of their site such as a specific product page, relevant blog post or notworthy review.
“The Website Card is a valuable tool for CPG brands who want to effectively drive high quality traffic to any page of their site,” said Brad Keown, head of the CPG team at Twitter. “For example, a cleaning product brand can use the card to drive users to an online coupon, a new product page, or a fun and engaging celebrity collaboration. When combined with our powerful targeting capabilities based on signals like interest, location, and keyword, the Website Card allows CPG brands to deliver the right message at relevant marketing moments in real time.”
Driving qualified traffic from the right audience at the right time is a compelling proposition for marketers beyond those at CPG companies. For example, a retailer who has a direct response goal of driving site traffic could use the Website Card to promote a fashion lookbook or drive traffic to an online sale. Both are examples of the social media company’s broader goal of helping users discover great content based on their interest.
Twitter’s Website Card builds on the users’ experience because the functionality allows for a deeper level of engagement and builds on other enhancements made to the social media platform during the past year. For example, the Twitter ad platform has been enriched with new targeting options, creative ad units, and measurement tools to help advertisers achieve direct response marketing goals.