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Safeway brings back school donations program


PLEASANTON, Calif. Safeway announced that, through Sept. 15, it is partnering with food manufacturers to donate 10% of the sale price of more than 2,000 selected products to local schools designated by customers.

Mike Minasi, Safeway’s president of marketing, said supporting education is part of Safeway’s corporate culture.


“Since 2005, the 10% Back to Schools program has raised more than $11.3 million for schools and education programs in the various regions that Safeway operates,” Minasi said. “What began with a relatively modest roster of 40 manufacturers and a few hundred items has evolved into a powerful storewide initiative with thousands of participating name brands.”

The program provides customers with an opportunity to purchase eligible products using their Safeway Club Card. Doing so they will automatically accumulate donations and assign them to the school of their choice. The products will be marked with a special yellow school bus icon on store shelves. At the end of the program, customers will receive a final donation receipt totaling their “school dollars.” They can take or mail the receipt to their chosen school. The school then redeems it online.

The 200 highest-earning schools will receive a $1,000 bonus to add to their overall donation.

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