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ECRM expands platform


Business innovation and technology leader Efficient Collaborative Retail Marketing (ECRM) launched ECRM Connect 3.0, a redesigned productivity application that expands on the ECRM Connect platform which originally debuted April 2012.

According to the company, ECRM Connect 3.0 generates a more collaborative user workspace to initiate conversations that go far beyond the meeting room. The platform’s enhanced tools allow users to jot down meeting notes, juggle product strategies and keep up with the latest ECRM event news from a mobile device located anywhere around the world. The free application can be downloaded on iTunes.

"By adopting ECRM Connect 3.0 into daily objectives, teams across multiple business units can rely on a single infrastructure to stay connected and collaborate whether they are back at the office, participating in ECRM meetings or walking the floor of the Canton Fair. It is through this versatility that businesses can yield significant payback in greater productivity and cost savings without sacrificing quality," said Kurt Repola, chief creative officer at ECRM.

The platform also allows suppliers to make their entire product libraries visible so they can pitch product lines to their buying partners.

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