More holiday shoppers grabbed Cyber Week deals this year than ever before — and retailers are eager to keep up the momentum.
Consumers set new records for online sales this year across Black Friday and Cyber Monday, marking a 15.7% year-over-year (YoY) increase in transactions compared to online holiday sales last year. However, there is another day contributing to this increase: Bounceback Tuesday — the day following Cyber Monday where advertisers are actively re-engaging shoppers to drive additional sales.
This observation was presented in research from marketing technology firm Criteo. The company analyzed 29.9 million online transactions across more than 350 retailers during the 2016 Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Bounceback Tuesday shopping holidays.
According to Criteo, retailers drove the bargain hype long past Black Friday and into Bounceback Tuesday — and shoppers were happy to take advantage of sales that spread further into the week. Bounceback Tuesday saw steady growth in 2016, with a 14.8% YoY increase in transactions, and a 10.1% YoY increase in shoppers.
This early-week shopping event definitely appealed to mobile shoppers as mobile conversions increased 5.8% YoY. However, tablet shopping saw the steepest decline on Bounceback Tuesday, decreasing 12.3% YoY, data showed.
Of course, retailers were not just “lucky” to drive these sales. To ensure this mid-week success, omnichannel retailers need to leverage mobile commerce opportunities.
“Not only are record numbers of users now transacting directly on smartphones, but these users are also leveraging the smart phone to research transactions that ultimately materialize later on other devices,” said Jaysen Gillespie, head of data science and analytics at Criteo. “Marketers and marketing vendors who can correctly connect users across devices, via their own cross-device identity or the use of a third-party open-system identity graph, will boost marketing efficiency and gain valuable insights on the path-to-purchase.”