Black Friday Backlash
Thank you for your editorial “Twin Gifts Wanted: Respect & Dignity” that appeared in the mid-December issue of Chain Store Age. I couldn’t agree more. What purpose does it serve to spend thousands of dollars on advertising only to ause “disappointment and anger” among more customers than you satisfy? The egastores, in their efforts to outdo one another, have lost their grip on eality. I would also add that whoever jumped the gun by opening on Thanksgiving Day has piled insult on injury. Do the corporate execs who are home with their amilies enjoying turkey with all the trimmings care at all about the employees who are missing out on one of life’s more meaningful memories?
I have visited with many stores this year that set records on Black Friday and Saturday only to wonder where all the business was the next week. It’s not hard to see why. They are training their customers very well.
David E. TraskWinterset, Iowa
Letters to the Editor should be addressed to: Murray Forseter, Editor,Chain Store Age, 425 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022 or sent via e-mail to: [email protected].