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Midwest grocer dramatically boosts digital coupon redemption

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Niemann Foods’ County Market is succeeding with digital coupons.

Niemann Foods’ County Market has switched from paper to digital coupons, with overwhelmingly positive customer response.

The associate-owned regional grocery chain, which operates over 40 stores across Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri, sought to reduce printing costs associated with its paper-based “Penny Pincher” coupon circular, as well as increase shopper engagement. Deciding to shift the circular to a digital format, County Market implemented the Birdzi digital offers platform.

County Market based its selection on an existing partnership with Birdzi, which also is engaged with Birdzi for its mobile app, web app, personalized email marketing, and customer segmentation and analytics capabilities. One month after implementing the Birdzi platform, the regional grocer saw a 400% increase in digital coupon redemption rates, as well as a 300% growth in digitally engaged shoppers, including those that had previously resisted a transition away from paper. 

Other positive results from shifting to digital coupons include a 500% increase in monthly app downloads and web registrations. In addition, 80% of shoppers who clipped and activated an offer redeemed it with a purchase.

The retailer converted its paper-based Penny Pincher coupon book into digital offers using Birdzi’s platform, which also highlights relevant offers for each shopper in the myCountyMarket app. When clipped, these coupons are automatically added to a shopper’s customer profile and then activated at checkout.

Unlike paper circulars, County Market can monitor its digital Penny Pincher campaigns in real-time via Birdzi’s dashboards, enabling the retailer to be more strategic and adaptable in response to campaign performance.

In December 2021, County Market began the transition to digital by consistently offering two to five digital coupons on a store’s app for two months. Additionally, the grocer used signage, flyers and bag stuffers to educate and encourage customers to download the app.

County Market placed QR codes next to select items; if scanned, these QR codes launched the app and took customers to the related coupon. Finally, all in-store associates were trained to use the platform so they could support customers. By March 2022, County Market had implemented the digital Penny Pincher campaign in all of its 42 stores.

Another regional grocer, Harps Food Stores Inc., responded to an influx of digital customers during the COVID-19 pandemic by deploying a mobile rewards app based on the Birdzi customer engagement marketing platform. The mobile data collected via Harps Rewards helps the retailer develop more effective marketing, curated shopper experiences, and higher overall ROI.

“We were impressed by our shoppers’ willingness to switch to digital Penny Pincher,” said Avry Brown, consumer engagement manager of County Market parent company Niemann Foods Inc. “With Birdzi, we witnessed an over 400% increase in digital coupon redemption rates compared to previous digital coupon trials in just the first month. Birdzi has been an essential partner for us as we enhance the customer journey for both our in-store and online customers.”

“County Market did an exceptional job encouraging customers to try the digital Penny Pincher,” said Shekar Raman, CEO and co-founder, Birdzi. “As a result, County Market immediately earned lifts in loyalty and engagement. Over time, they will gain invaluable data and customer intelligence that can be used to better cater to the needs of their shoppers and improve profitability.”

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