DJM Realty retained to dispose of all remaining Borders real estate
Melville, N.Y. -- DJM Realty, a Gordon Brothers Group company, said Monday it has been retained to exclusively manage the disposition of all remaining Borders Group and Waldenbooks real estate in the United States. The news came after Borders announced it had abandoned hope that the company could be saved from liquidation.
Shoppers are impacted by rising grocery prices and shrinking package sizes
New York City -- A survey released Tuesday by Deloitte found that 87.7% of shoppers believe prices in food stores are escalating and 74% say the size of some packaged goods is smaller.
According to Deloitte’s new “2011 Consumer Food and Product Insight Survey,” thanks to higher food prices and rising gas prices, 72.7% of consumers are making fewer trips to the grocery store to save money and 40.8% are purchasing fewer items overall.