Toys'R'Us joins Alex's Lemonade Stand in fight against childhood cancer
WAYNE, N.J. — Toys"R"Us is continuing its support of Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for all children with cancer, through in-store and online fundraising as well as a social media campaign. Beginning this Friday, June 1 through Tuesday, July 31, the company will "Help Fight Childhood Cancer, One Cup at a Time" with an in-store and online fundraising campaign benefiting ALSF.
Survey: Spending by young adults more impacted by green behavior
New York -- A survey released Wednesday by Harris Interactive found that spending can be impacted by concern for the environment. While that has remained constant among many age groups, more young adults ages 18-to-24 say they are taking the environment into consideration when making purchases.