Macy’s sharpens focus on millennial strategy for fall
NEW YORK — Macy’s continues to focus on its millennial strategy to attract a new generation of customers looking for trend, style and value. The retailer is getting ready to launch two exclusive new brands, Maison Jules and QMack, at 150 stores this month.
The brands' launch is part of an ongoing initiative originally announced in spring 2012 and which saw the retailer introducing or expanding 20 brands for spring 2013. -
A cautionary tale for Walmart buyers, suppliers
Walmart pulled a dietary supplement from its Web site this week following a report by USA Today that called into question the product’s safety and the track record of the supplier.
The product in question was a pre-workout supplement called Craze from supplier Matt Cahill who USA Today said has a history of putting risky supplements on the market. Walmart spokeswoman Dianna Gee said the product was pulled to, “allow us time to look further into not only the safety of the product, but also the integrity of the supplier.”