Walgreens charges forward with electric vehicle filling station expansion in Fla.
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — Walgreens and Car Charging Group on Monday announced the expansion of EV charging services to 13 Walgreens locations in Orlando, Fla., and Tampa/St. Petersburg, Fla.
"Walgreens dedication to the EV movement is unmatched by any other major retailer," Car Charging Group CEO Michael Farkas said. "Walgreens commitment to providing EV charging services to its customers nationwide is a testament to its support of environmental sustainability and of electric vehicle use."
Walmart makes sustainable progress
BENTONVILLE, Ark. — Significant waste reduction and greater use of renewable energy are detailed in Walmart’s just-released fifth annual Global Responsibility Report (GRR). Entitled “Beyond 50 Years: Building a Sustainable Future,” the report highlights the chain’s global top 10 list of achievements to reduce its impact on the environment, improve efficiency in its supply chain and stores, and address social issues.