Study: Showroomers more likely to buy in store
Boston – Despite conventional industry wisdom, shoppers who use mobile devices for showrooming are almost twice as likely to purchase from the retailer in-store or online (38%) than buy elsewhere (21.6%). A new study from e-commerce technology provider SeeWhy, “Showrooming Realities: When Worlds Collide,” also shows that one third (33%) of more 60,000 consumers surveyed who owned a mobile device had used a device as part of their shopping process, and 12% do it routinely.
PetSmart adds director of Herman Miller Foundation to board
PetSmart has unanimously elected Elizabeth Nickels to fill a newly created vacancy on its board of directors. Nickels will join the 2013 class of directors, and will be eligible for re-election by the company’s stockholders at the 2014 annual meeting of stockholders.