ECRM: Retail circular advertising trends, November 2014
ECRM compared retail circular advertising in November 2013 vs. November 2014 and noted trends occurring across top retail chains. Home Depot added an additional Black Friday 2014 circular promoting appliances. Home Depot offered deep Black Friday 2014 discounts on microwaves. Staples increased circular pages by +38%, and featured an attractive “Free Kindle eReader with laptop purchase” and a $99 Asus laptop on the Black Friday 2014 circular front. Walgreens had little change in November circular metrics but CVS cut 9 pages; a 10% decline.
A&G Realty Partners to manage bankruptcy sale of Alcoo Stores
Melville, New York - A&G Realty Partners, a commercial real estate, advisory and investment group, has been retained by Alco Stores to manage the sale of approximately 200 Alco store locations, as well as the company’s former headquarters. The sale is a result of the retailer’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing on October 12, 2014.