Same-day delivery revolutionizing retail, not so fast
There are a wide range of experiments in the marketplace right now, and plenty of angst related to same-day delivery of products and consumer’s desire for more immediate e-commerce gratification. Walmart, Amazon and others appear intent on unlocking what is seen by some as the next big thing in retail, but an interesting piece by Fox Business bring a new perspective to whether shoppers care. Click here to read more.
Overstock.com has strong Q2
Salt Lake City – Overstock.com reported substantial increases in net revenue and income for the second quarter of this year. Total net revenue for second quarter 2013 and 2012 was $293.2 million and $239.5 million, respectively, a 22% increase. The growth in net revenue was primarily due to a 21% increase in average order size, from $138 in second quarter 2012 to $167 in second quarter 2013.
Net income jumped an impressive 687%, from $470,000 to $3.7 million.