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  • Domino’s Pizza extends mobile offering with new app

    Ann Arbor, Mich. -- Domino's Pizza is launching its brand new Android smartphone ordering app. With the launch, and in addition to its existing iPhone app which debuted last June, Domino's will now offer its mobile ordering app to more than 80% of smartphones.

    The new app, which is compatible with Android version 2.1 and higher, extends many of the features of Domino's online ordering platform including: coupon search, full national menu, GPS store locator and the ability to follow orders with Domino's Tracker.

  • Mosaic, Merrifield, Va.

    Edens will unveil Mosaic in fall 2012. The urban grid design mixing hotel, office and retail, Mosaic is a 31-acre mixed-use development located in the heart of Merrifield, Va.

    Mosaic offers a wide variety of on-site amenities including a diverse offering of restaurants unique to the community, shops and large-scale retailers, specialty services and more, all within walking distance.

  • Canadian restaurant group teams with Chase Paymentech

    Toronto -- The Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association said Thursday that it has forged an agreement Chase Paymentech to refer its payment processing solutions to more than 30,000 CRFA members across the country.

    With the new agreement, Chase Paymentech will provide countertop, wireless and integrated restaurant management solutions to handle any payment type, including Pay-at-the-Table, EMV chip, online orders, contactless and gift cards.

  • Top Chef Timothy Dean to open restaurant at The Boulevard at the Capital Centre

    Largo, Md. -- Inland Western Retail Real Estate Trust announced that Capital Centre LLC, one of its wholly owned subsidiaries, signed a lease with TD Burger LLC, operating as Timothy Dean Burger, to occupy the 2,000-sq.-ft. space at The Boulevard at the Capital Centre in Largo, Md.

    The restaurant plans to open in the winter of 2012.

  • Family-Friendly Boost

    Rising consumer expectations have driven a corresponding increase in retail amenities, especially family-oriented provisions such as baby changing tables and child-seating products. Chain Store Age talked with Koala Kare Products’ Brendan Cherry about the evolution of family-friendly retail over the decades.

    Since you introduced your first baby changing station some 25 years ago, how has the public’s perception of these types of retail amenities evolved?

  • Focus on: Payment Security

    A shift in consumer payment habits has had a noticeable impact on merchants that process a large volume of low-value transactions. Credit cards, historically associated with payment for higher-priced items that required financing, have become a preferred payment method for routine purchases that once were covered by pocket change.

  • Opening Up

    Despite the fact that the nation is still in the throes of winter, albeit a mild one, open-air centers continue to draw shoppers and generate leasing interest among retailers.

    In the early days of upscale lifestyle centers, and before enhanced strip centers and specialty formats, the longevity of some open-air centers came under question as developers, retailers and consumers alike challenged the shopability of the format outside the sunbelt regions.

  • Insights on Asia offered at industry event

    With China on pace to become one of the world's biggest retail market, any insight on developing a retail business in this area is welcomed, which is why it is no surprise that Scott Price, president and CEO of Walmart Asia, is scheduled to speak at the World Retail Congress Asia Pacific in Beijing this March.

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