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Crowdfunding platform Indiegogo enters e-commerce

Indiegogo IndieShop
Indiegogo IndieShop.

An online platform designed to connect product creators with early supporters is launching an e-commerce site.

Indiegogo is now offering IndieShop, an online storefront where consumers can purchase formerly crowdfunded products. The company is also providing creators with online distribution and marketing services.

Since launching in beta during May 2024, IndieShop has grown to include 40-plus products. 

In addition, Indiegogo says that a soon-to-be-announced partnership will enable it to bring its most successful crowdfunding projects to physical locations. The company plans to include a short list of curated products in the in-store retail experience, with live unboxing in-store. 

Indiegogo also intends the in-store experience to provide backers with the ability to try and test products from its campaigns in real life. The company previously partnered with Brookstone to feature select products from its creators in mall-based locations known as Brookstone Makers Showcase stores.  

"Today is a big day for entrepreneurs, creators, tech enthusiasts, and backers," says Becky Center, CEO of Indiegogo. "Over the past 16 years, Indiegogo has helped nearly a million entrepreneurs and companies build their brands, create go-to-market strategies, engage with their communities, and extend audience reach globally. 

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"Since I took the helm at Indiegogo two years ago, my goal has been to not only remain the best-in-class crowdfunding platform but to also expand our support of the innovator's journey beyond the traditional 30-to-60-day crowdfunding campaign cycle," said Center. "We are truly excited for the world to see what we have been building, and to introduce our vision for the future of crowdfunding."  

Indiegogo is also introducing a number of other offerings intended to support creators from the initial concept phase all the way through to scale. Highlights include:

  • Pre-crowdfunding offerings:
    • Customer insights. 
    • Pre-launch reservations. 
    • Pre-launch digital services. 
  • Crowdfunding enhancements:
    • Pay over time.
    • Cart volume discounts.
    • Perk gifting
  • Lower platform fee through 2024:
    • 4% for all crowdfunding campaigns
    • 5% for all off-platform “InDemand Campaigns” (transitioned from other platforms).
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