Chain Store Age honored in Eddie & Ozzie Awards
Chain Store Age has been honored in the prestigious Eddie & Ozzie Awards, which celebrate editorial and design excellence in print and online publishing.
CSA’s daily newsletter, Daybreaker, received an honorable mention in the business-to-business newsletter category. Daybreaker provides news and analysis for retail executives, covering all sectors of the retail community.
In addition, CSA senior technology editor Dan Berthiaume’s Retail Insights blog received an honorable mention in the category of business-to-business overall column/blog. Retail Insights provides analysis and insight on a wide variety of tech-related topics.
The annual Eddie & Ozzie awards program— presented by Folio:magazine — spans all corners of the publishing industry— recognizes the very best in editorial and design. It is the most comprehensive and prestigious awards program of its kind in the industry, attracting thousands of entries each year.