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Walmart tops YouGov grocery store rankings in multiple categories

A well-stocked grocery store with shoppers browsing through the produce section. A busy, everyday scene in a supermarket, ideal for retail, food, and lifestyle themes; Shutterstock ID 2520113171
Half of Americans say they are the sole grocery shopper in their household.

Walmart is top of mind when it comes to grocery store shopping.

The retail giant leads grocery store “consideration” by a wide margin, with 63% of U.S. adults saying they would consider the brand for their next grocery purchase, according to a study by YouGov. Target came in second at 42.5%, followed by Aldi (32.8%), Costco (31.8%) and Kroger (23.9%).

Walmart also ranks top for value with a net score of 42.0. ahead of Target (35.4) and Trader Joe’s (35.3). Rounding out the top five are Costco (35.2) and Aldi (28.2). 

In addition Walmart ranked first (64%) when shoppers were asked what stores they had ordered groceries from online in the past 90 days. Amazon was a distant second (34%), followed by Target (19%).

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Other findings from YouGov’s “U.S. grocery store rankings 2025” report, which surveyed 22,000-plus Americans on their perceptions of 34 national and regional brands, are below.

  • Whole Foods Market is perceived as offering the best quality, with a net quality score of 36.5. Target came in second (35.4), followed by Trader Joe’s (35.3), Costco (35.2) and Aldi (28.2).
  • Amazon Fresh is gaining the most ground among shoppers, with consideration reaching 12%, a 48% increase from last year.
  • Fast delivery (46%) and free shipping/delivery (44%) ranked as the top reasons respondents shopped online for groceries, followed by “don’t have time to go to the store" (36%) and easy payment methods (35%).
  • Members of Gen Z are most likely to say grocery shopping is boring (40.5%) and and that they only buy what they need when at the supermarket (59.9%).
  • Half of Americans say they are the sole grocery shopper in their household, and 35% of sole shoppers shop online or via curbside pickup compared to 19% of the general population.

To read the full YouGov report, click here.

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