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  • Contact-free payment speeds up checkout at discount grocer

    Aldi is making it easier for customers to pay for purchases.   The fast-growing deep-discount grocer now accepts all forms of contactless payment, including Apple Pay, Google Wallet and Android Pay. All options are available across Aldi’s nearly 1,700 stores nationwide.   Shoppers can pay for their groceries by tapping their contactless-enabled bank card, smartphone or other wearable device on a dedicated payment terminal.   
  • Report: Home goods retailer to accept digital wallet, Venmo

    A new payment option will help Williams-Sonoma tap a new customer segment.   The home goods retailer will soon accept the peer-to-peer money-transferring service Venmo for bridal registry purchases. The digital wallet lets users make digital payments — or split payments with other users, according to ReCode.  
  • Restaurant lets customers pay using their face

    A new restaurant concept gives customers an easy — and high-tech way — to pay for their meal without having to take out their wallet or even their smartphone.  
  • Cloud computing to drive Billabong’s omnichannel experience

    A board sports apparel retailer is taking steps to blend its physical and digital retail channels.   Billabong is leveraging the Aptos Singular Commerce platform to support omnichannel retailing across its global enterprise. The cloud-based solution will merge the retailers’ physical and digital retail channels, and create a single view of customers, inventory and orders, among other operations.   
  • Five ways Walmart uses big data

    Walmart is bullish on big data — especially when it comes to finding ways to better serve its shoppers.   Big data volume continues to grow, but Walmart is using it to the company’s — and its customers’ — advantage. By analyzing the robust information flowing throughout its operations, the discounter has gained a real-time view of workflow across its pharmacy, distribution centers, stores and e-commerce, according to a company blog.   
  • Regional furniture retailer modernizes front-end

    City Furniture sales associates are moving away from the cashwrap, and completing transactions directly on the show floor.  
  • Visa program streamlines global QR code payment adoption

    A new service is helping retailers adhere to newly introduced interoperability standards related to QR code-based payments.   In a move to standardize emerging cashless payments, EMVCo, the global technical body that manages the EMV Specifications, released new global QR Code Payment standards — a move that will allow retailers to process mobile payments made through the two-dimensional machine-readable barcodes. Visa and the other EMVCo members worked to develop these new globally interoperable EMV specifications. 
  • Amazon still exploring ‘cashier-less’ checkout projects

    Don’t expect Amazon to stop experimenting with cashier-less grocery stores anytime soon.   Despite announcing in June it would acquire Whole Foods Market for $13.7 billion, the online giant will continue evolving its Amazon Fresh and Amazon Go concepts, among other efforts. Its goal: to reinvent the way consumers shop for food, according to Business Insider.  
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