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Survey: Consumers shift shopping online, get personal

Retailers with a strong online presence and personalization program have reason to be happy.

According to a new survey of over 800 U.S. and U.K. consumers from personalization software provider Qubit, 44% of respondents are shopping online more now than in 2019. One in four respondents do more than 90% of their shopping online. 

[Futher Reading: How COVID-19 has accelerated a new digitized normal for retailers]

As consumers shop more online, they also show signs of wavering brand loyalty. Close to half (46%) of respondents say they are less loyal to the brands they love, and 37% are shopping with more brands than they did in 2019. However, the survey indicates brands have an opportunity to obtain competitive advantage with personalization.

For example, 52% of respondents recognize that brands are personalizing, and two in three expect personalized experiences once they have shopped with a brand. Seven in 10 respondents would share preference data with brands for a more personalized experience. 

The survey also examined consumer attitudes toward COVID-19, finding:

•    Two in three respondents have increased online shopping during the pandemic;
•    35% of respondents say they will shop online more than they did before the outbreak; but,
•    only 28% of respondents feel uncomfortable about returning to stores.

Retail verticals seeing the biggest boost in e-commerce spend during the pandemic have been grocery (51.5%), fashion (42%), and beauty (34%).

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