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T2, New York

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Australian specialty tea retailer T2 has made its U.S. debut, opening a store in the heart of Manhattan's Soho neighborhood. The shop stocks over 200 teas from around the globe along with an extensive assortment of teapots, cups, sifters and other related items.

Designed by Landini Associates, T2 celebrates the art of making and drinking tea. The space has a raw, striped-back interior that gives it a modern, youthful vibe. T2 offers an immersive sensory experience, complete with a tea-tasting bar. The floor to ceiling displays of the brand's trademark orange packages of tea is offset by an industrial color palette,

T2 was founded by an Australian entrepreneur in 1996. In 2013, the chain was acquired by consumer goods giant Unilever, which knows a little something about tea: Its Lipton brand is the world's top selling tea.

Design: Landini Associates, Sydney, Australia

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