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Shoppers often make online purchases while 'multitasking'

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Online shopping multitasking
Men are more likely than women to make online purchases while doing other tasks.

Retailers rarely have consumers’ undivided attention when they buy items online. 

A majority (69%) of shoppers make purchases while multitasking, such as scrolling TikTok, watching Netflix or browsing YouTube, according to Salsify data. Millennials (76%) and men (75%) are more likely to shop while multitasking than other groups.

In addition to vying for the attention of consumers, retailers will also have to contend with changing spending patterns in the new year. Two-thirds (66%) of shoppers are cutting back on non-essentials, while 52% will choose less expensive store brands in 2025. Meanwhile, 27% have started side jobs, and 18% are relying on savings or debt to stay afloat.

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Salsify’s survey also found that influencers are wielding more power than ever. Thirty-nine percent of shoppers made purchases based on influencer recommendations, an 18% jump from last year. Viral products also drove demand, with 34% of shoppers buying items they saw trending on TikTok and Instagram. Thirty-five percent of shoppers made purchases through live streams, up 22% in a year. 

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Additional insights from the survey include the following:

  • More than a quarter (28%) of those surveyed trust AI assistants to help them shop online, and 17% have acted on AI recommendations.
  • More than half (54%) of respondents dropped online purchases due to conflicting information, and 71% returned items over inaccurate descriptions.
  • Four-in-10 (41%) shoppers will scroll up to page three on a website to find the right product, and 26% will continue up to page five. Only 18% of shoppers stop after the first page of product results.

    “In 2025, consumers are making faster, more fragmented buying decisions, but they still expect seamless and personalized experiences,” said Dom Scarlett, research director at Salsify. “Retailers must earn trust by combining affordability with richer, more accurate content, as shoppers prioritize relevance and reliability over impulse buying.”

Salsify’s online research survey was conducted via SurveyMonkey in October 2024, among a completed general consumer pool of 1,910 online shoppers in the United States (953) and the United Kingdom (957).

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