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Retail group calls for pause of OSHA mask enforcement pending CDC update

The CDC is in the process of reviewing its guidance on masks.

Varied guidance from the CDC and state and local health departments is putting retailers in a difficult position.

“Contradictions are causing confusion among the public, and that confusion too often leads to frustration and confrontation in stores,” wrote Brian Dodge, president, Retail Industry Leaders Association, in a letter to Labor Secretary Marty Walsh and OSHA Administrator Douglas Parke.

The CDC is currently in the process of reviewing its guidance on masks and other safety protocols. Until the updated guidance is released, RILA is asking the Department of Labor and OSHA to pause enforcement actions against retailers who are making a good-faith effort to navigate conflicting guidance from the CDC and state health departments that have begun rolling back covid restrictions and mask mandates. 

“The sooner the CDC announces updated guidance on masks and other safety protocols, the sooner it will help alleviate the confusion among the public and businesses who are operating in good faith,” Dodge stated.

The full letter is  here.

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