Qdoba signs 22 franchise deals in fiscal year; plans to expand in...
"The demand for Mexican fast-casual dining continues to surge, and Qdoba is well-positioned to meet that demand while offering an exciting investment opportunity for franchisees," said Jeremy Vitaro, chief development officer at Qdoba. "Our year-to-date successes are a testament to the strength of our brand, driven by innovative offerings and an unwavering commitment to quality. With strategic incentives and unmatched franchisee support, Qdoba is the ideal partner for operators looking to expand in this dynamic market."
Earlier this year, Qdoba announced a new program to incentivize franchise growth. Qualified franchisees can receive $100,000 in cash after opening for any commitments to open new restaurants by September 2026. The incentive is available to new franchisees dedicated to multi-unit development and existing franchisees adding incremental restaurants to their development growth plans.
Based in San Diego, Qdoba operates approximately 800 locations in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.