Toys 'R' Us launches expands mobile offerings
Wayne, N.J. -- Toys “R” Us said Friday that it has expanded its mobile offerings for the holiday season, providing an enhanced shopping experience for on-the-go shoppers.
In addition, the retailer said it has made updates made to its iPhone and Android experience, as well as announced partnerships with eBay, Google and shopkick to help customers use their mobile devices to locate product, pay for purchases and source discounts.
The shopkick app will allow shoppers at approximately 100 stores in the New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Los Angeles metro areas to receive savings by entering the stores. Google Wallet is being made available at 200 Toys “R” Us and Babies “R” Us stores in major metro markets, allowing customers to use their phones to pay for purchases.
As part of the high-tech program, QR codes are being incorporated into in-store signage and on individual product packaging to showcase product demos or provide additional information on how a particular program works. And a mobile messaging program sends sale information to mobile phones via text message.