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British retail giant eyes smarter supply chain

Marks & Spencer is looking forward to a new, next-generation supply chain technology partnership.

JDA Software and IT services/solutions provider Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) are teaming up to offer supply chain optimization solutions with consulting and system integration services. The partnership will leverage the TCS Business 4.0 thought leadership framework and JDA Luminate supply chain solutions portfolio to develop joint, interoperable supply chain technology solutions.

These solutions will include Blue Yonder artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology and use TCS’ machine-first delivery model. Combining cloud, AI and machine learning capabilities, the technology will be designed to deliver complete supply chain visibility and real-time prescriptive recommendations for business decisions.

Marks & Spencer, which utilizes both JDA and TCS technology in its supply chain platform, plans to take advantage of the new AI-enabled supply chain optimization capabilities the joint solutions will provide.

“We’re delighted to see this partnership between JDA and TCS as two of our strategic technology partners that we work with to drive supply chain transformation within our business,” said Carl Dawson, CIO, Marks & Spencer. “The ability to transition towards an autonomous supply chain working hand-in-hand with TCS and JDA presents the opportunity to give us the complete supply chain visibility we need, combined with recommendations to make profitable business decisions.”

TCS will establish an end-to-end Cognitive Supply Chain Lab at its Business Solutions Lab in Cincinnati, Ohio, to develop quick proofs of concept.
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